中小学生汉语考试(YCT)是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第一语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。在真题分析的基础上,本着“考教结合”的理念,《YCT标准教程》应运而生。 王蕾编写的《YCT标准教程(2)》是《YCT标准教程》教材的第二册。
Authorized by Hanban, the YCT Standard Course has been developed under the joint efforts of Higher Education Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). The target readers are primary and middle school students from overseas who take Chinese as an elective course, and who are going to take the YCT. With the YCT test papers as its primary source, the YCT Standard Course aims to achieve an integrated combination of function and fun, provide a scientific curriculum and effective teaching methods, as well as stimulate students’ multiple intelligence.
Contents:Lesson 1 我可以坐这儿吗?May I sit here?
Lesson 2 你早上几点起床?When do you get up in the morning?
Lesson 3 你的铅笔呢?Where is your pencil?
Lesson 4 书包里有两本书。There are two books in the schoolbag.
Lesson 5 你会不会做饭?Can you cook?
Lesson 6 包子多少钱一个?How much is one baozi?
Lesson 7 **比昨天热。Today is hotter than yesterday.
Lesson 8 马丁比我大三岁。Martin is three years older than me.
Lesson 9 你**做什么了?What did you do today?
Lesson 10 你怎么了?What's wrong with you?
Lesson 11 我来北京一年了。I've been in Beijing for one year.
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