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Free Class: Learn about Chinese New Year with Singing, drawing, Chinese characters, and fun!
When to use Chinese Verb 是 (shì), When not use 是 (shì)
拔苗助长 Help the Young Shoots Grow
Why the HSK certificate is important for Chinese leaners
狐假虎威 [ hújiǎhǔwēi ] The story of The Tiger and the Fox
[Chinese Sentence of the Day] Life is like the ocean.
8 Common Chinese New Year greetings that you should know
8 Ways to improve your Chinese learning fast
Share this great news to your friends that you love and care
Catchy Chinese song to learn "how old are you" in 2 minutes
【学中文电视推荐Top Chinese shows with Eng Sub】Ashes of Love (TV series)
1min Chinese:How to say confidence in Chinese
1min Chinese:how to say decide / a decision in Chinese
1min Chinese:how to say bar in Chinese
[Chinese Zodiac] the rat: Fortune and Personality
【成语故事Chinese Idioms】 三人成虎
Vehicle in Chinese 交通工具
【成语故事Chinese Idioms】 愚公移山
[笑话Funny Story in Chinese] 萤火虫